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[PS3]PS3//P *** 杂志关于PS3的最新消息 !

发布于:2024-02-26 作者:admin 阅读:99

Five Ways the 3 Will Games

...Not every game will do this stuff, but the to will still exist for game with the time and to tap into it. Let's take a look at just a few of the new that PS3 will make

1. The End of the " act"

In : that in or to the game world will be .

In : You break it, it stays . You kill'em, they pile up. Even when you go back to areas later in teh game, you'll see that path of you've left - may even have or trees . you won't have to ask "Have I been this area ?"

2. Great minds think alike

In : will react to what your does and the they're in more than ever. In fact, they'll be able to be as *** art and as the .

In : will run out of ammo and ditch their gun for one- maybe even a one. Maybe the gun you were to grab. They might also dash for the same ammo pick-up to you, their cover and them up for a shot. out and using night to sneak up on ? Now they'll use that trick, too... so you'll have to make sure you can see in the dark as well.


In : and frame-by-frame will give way to " *** art" that take the 's and their into .

In : If you're a , your will never leap or land using the same twice. They'll "know" if they're from and start to show it by a in their . In a game, the ball will never look like it's to your 's hand by a band; in , will "know" their are dirty and brush off at the line of . wont' fall down teh same way when shot, but they won't flail like rag dolls , if they're by a rail, for , they'll "know" to try and grab it with one or both hands if you throw them over it. Even if they hang on, you can shoot their hands.

4. Never been there, never seen that

In : The of Blu-Ray discs will the of even dual layer DVD and to game that never look . Their only will be the of time they have to and .

In : Games will be able to have many more types of , and more each of them, to the areas in teh game any to . won't just break; the extra room for on the disc will allow for of - , , , . Heck, even sand that can turn to glass under the heat of a .

5. in newer, ways

In : More power will take the of the and voice to new .

In : Your role- hero is a heart-to-heart talk with their love . Only they're to and you. Will you sound or ? Have a happy face or a plain one? The very of your voice and look on your face will his or her . IN squad-based games, when your team's back is up a wall and the enemy's just the , you'll have to your plan of to being = and that plan of can be very . "You, run the and take cover the red car!"

There is a and to 5. It says, Sony is on a PS3 game that voice and face . In it, you a duo of crime that react to your , tone of voice, and .

Every Game Do This

We're not game , and we dont' to fully all of the in games, but as , we know what we want - nay, - from our next- games. Fair or not, the is right, so up, !

60 Per ,

A high frame rate can make an in a game, fast- games and first- . It extra- and solid, feel. if -A PS2 like GT4 and God of War can run at 60fps, then why we for less on PS3? If a trade-off has to be made, we'd swap the last 5% of for a more feel to the .

No Load Times

Since we're still with disc-based games, we'll for "much " load times. Even PS3 games will need to load up more , more and so on, BD-ROM will allow to from the disc so we don't have to sit at bars any more.

In-Game Card

We've all done it - you play a game for, like, half an hour, only to find out that you don't have room left on your card to save. All you can do is to the PS2's main menu and loose all of your hard work. Games need to let their card files from the game. That way, you could clear some space, save and .

Sleep Mode

like the PSP and the DS have this, and it's about time that offer it, too. For too long, have been for to stop their game. comes up, you've gotta run, but no - you're stuck for a save point or else you'll have to redo you've just . Game that 't be to their games by a sleep mode that will allow us to save our place at a 's .



3,脱胎换骨的人物动作,向动作捕捉和逐格拍摄say “good-bye”...(good-bye)


5,更好的人机互动。通过语音识别或者Eye Toy...(不许有口音哦~).



