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发布于:2024-12-02 作者:admin 阅读:55


9, 2009

戴阳天Dai Yang Tian and 白薇秀 Peh are as male and stars for the New Year’s movie ! If you have the i-, you would have read about it…

Dai Yang Tian stars as the main lead: 外型高大英俊,乐观幽默,平时一副游戏人间的模样,但是一旦投入工作,则非常严肃认真.

机智有胆识,对队友,不论性别,都要求严格,显出男子汉的大喇喇强悍作风与魅力。其实另有铁汉柔情的一面,重情义,工作以外,对女性细腻、温柔,有求必应,难免让人误会他多情、甚至滥情。DYT will have to make many tough 友情, 亲情 and 爱情.

以几个男女保镖为连贯性的人物,贯穿五集故事,在他们身上发生的爱情、友情、亲情故事,每一集又加入不同的新主角人物,自成一个独立故事,以不同的风格呈现:温情、写实、激情,惊险,悬疑兼而有之。The tele-movie which does not have a title yet is 10 hours in but will be into 5 parts (2 hours each).

Peh plays the lead who is人如其名,率直纯真,性格爽朗,外表看似柔弱,其实是柔道黑带,父亲是醒狮队的负责人,由于父亲患心脏病,不能太操劳,她唯有接手父亲的醒狮队事务,虽然是女性,在以男性为中心的醒狮队和保镖行里,她都和大家相处愉快,如鱼得水,酷爱热闹的她,喜欢和几个男保镖一起喝酒聊天,出外表演舞狮…until one day…

There’ll be a lot of drama and DYT and in them comes this new actor…!

Yes, this tele-movie will also star in his movie role.

An lead role just next to DYT, will play this 家里的独生子,父亲更大的愿望就是栽培他读上大学,偏偏高中时期,因为一次学生集体考试作弊事件被无辜牵连,连高中也毕不了业,父亲带着遗憾离世,他也因此和好同学DYT绝袂,直到许多年后重逢,成了同事和舞狮队队友,这段堙没的当年往事又被记起…

This may be ’s 1st big movie role but not his 1st gig.

He will 1st be seen in a new ‘妙探夫妻档 Mr & Mrs Kok’ (press on 10 Nov).

A New Year’s movie do a fun lead and 李国煌Mark Lee will play this guy known as ‘’.



The last time we did tele-movie was more than 10 years ago. This 8’s CNY tele-movie will on the dates:

8-10pm on 17th Jan, 24th Jan, 31st Jan and 7 Feb…but the will be on a 13th at 8pm.

I will be the press on (10 Nov) of a new ‘妙探夫妻档 Mr & Mrs Kok’(a non ’s Mark Lee and a lead star plus many other big stars and it was with a like the drama ‘一切完美 Cut’ )…

to Paul Chan,VP of ’s & for 8.

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