首页 - 神途资讯 > 校园闲置物品交易平台app 毕业设计源码13527

校园闲置物品交易平台app 毕业设计源码13527

发布于:2024-12-01 作者:admin 阅读:47


对于本校园闲置物品交易平台app的设计来说,它主要是采用后台采用java语言、S *** 框架,它是应用mysql数据库、等技术动态编程以及数据库进行努力学习和大量实践,并运用到了APP的建设中在整个系统的设计当中,具体根据校园闲置物品交易平台app的现状来进行开发的,具体根据用户需求实现校园闲置物品交易平台app网络化的管理,各类信息有序地进行存储,进入校园闲置物品交易平台app页面之后,方可开始操作主控界面,系统功能包括管理员服务端:主页、个人资料(个人信息、修改密码)公共管理(轮播图、通知公告)用户管理(管理员、普通用户)信息管理(校园资讯、资讯分类)物品类型、二手交易、沟通信息等功能。


关键词 :校园闲置物品交易平台;技术;Mysql数据库;Java语言

In today's world of , the has an for to . A large of idle items need to be every day. , I have an based idle item app.

For the of the idle item app, it Java and S *** in the 。 It MySQL , and other for and and , and is to the of the app。 In the , it is based on the of the idle item app, of the idle item app based on user needs, and store types of in an 。

After the app page of the idle item , you can start the main 。 The : data ( , ), ( , ), user (, users), ( , ), item types, -hand , , and other 。

This paper the of the idle item app. The the and , and and of the . from the , and and other . I hope to use and to the of idle item apps and .

: idle item ; ; MySQL ; Java

目 录



