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PHP游戏网站 毕业设计 附源码02473

发布于:2024-04-20 作者:admin 阅读:48

With the of and , have the of 。 have of human and play a very role。 the of on , can and store data。 In order to for game malls, a game based on Vue has been 。 The of this game the Vue and MySQL as the and of data。

Based on the of the game , a was out for the , and it was found that the user front-end and 。 The needs to the , map, and , (game , ), ( forum, forum ), users (, users) The for (game name, game mall, order) and other is 。

The of the game is , and the of the game is 。 The of the game and the of key are in 。 This first the of the , the of and , and the and of the 。 In to the of this , the were , and to the , the of this was and were 。 , the game this time is a with and can be put into use。

: game ; PHP ; Vue; mysql



