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咏春拳:守中用中 唯快不破

发布于:2024-04-14 作者:admin 阅读:41

Wing Chun in City, south China's . The art is a of Nan Quan. The name the of Yan .


Yan grew up under the of a nun Wumei. He the Quan art after a fight a snake and a crane and it under Wumei's . Wing Chun's , to Yan , was later by Leung Jan, a who known as Mr. Jan, and under Yip Man.


Wing Chun is a self- used to stop . It uses the of human , lever , and to the 's . It is by quick arm in close with of power. It and at the same time.


(Dong Wing Chun. /CGTN)

Dong is a - of Ip Man's Wing Chun. While there are many Wing Chun , Dong to Ip Man's son, Ip Chun. He had a arts dream as a child. Wing Chun, he would often movie star Bruce Lee. That's why he to learn Wing Chun from Bruce Lee's , Ip Man.

董崇华是叶问咏春的第二代传人。咏春流派繁多, 而他选择拜师叶问的长子叶准。因为他从小就有个武侠梦。在练咏春之前,他都会经常模仿李小龙电影里面的一些镜头,他想学李小龙师父叶问的咏春。

(Dong with his Ip Chun. /CGTN)

The first form of Wing Chun is Siu Nim Tao, " ." It of arm and hand . Siu Nim Tao comes from Zen and is based on the of your and truly . "There is a that with wrong , you live a life, but with , you live a life," said Dong . He noted that if the train in Siu Nim Tao well, they won't have a firm , which means being in more moves.

咏春拳的练习要从“小念头”开始,基本上的一些手法和掌法都包括在其中。“小念头”是来自禅宗里面的思想,叫排除杂念,真切地认识自我。董崇华说:“有句话叫做: 念头不正, 终生不正; 念头正,终生正。”他强调:如果小念头的基础没打好,那么就无法在咏春拳上更进一步了。

(Dong Wing Chun. /CGTN)

"All vital parts are in a line. We the line and also make use of it," Dong said.


Vital body parts such as the eyes, nose, , , and , he said, are all on the . Wing Chun moves are aimed at these . Thus, it is " the ," the of Wing Chun.


" the hand. Turn the hand. -feet hand. These are three of Wing Chun," Dong said.

“摊手,膀手, 伏手, 是咏春的“三板斧”。”

In Wing Chun, the Chi Sau ( hands). the of hands, a can feel the flow of an 's body. Then one can weak spots and them. Wing Chun also uses a dummy. The must think while , and use all kinds of to beat the dummy. The can be very . Only when basic again and again can one reach the .


(Dong uses a dummy in . /CGTN)

(Dong Chi Sau ( hands) with his . /CGTN)

"There was a time I could not hold on any . I to quit," Dong said. , the of Bruce Lee's 's in a for him to hold on. , he to learn some to the of basic moves. " a or , you learn from the or the dummy."

董崇华说:“当时我也有段时间是坚持不下来 就想不练了” 但在佛山,能够练叶问的咏春是一个莫大的殊荣,他坚持了下来。同时他也开始多去了解咏春在实战的应用来减轻对基本手法练习的枯燥。“无师无对手,镜与桩中求.”

When he doesn't have an , he in front of the or uses the dummy as an and it is alive.

当他没有对手的时候,他就照着镜子练、或者把木人桩当成对手来练, 把他们当作一个灵活的假想敌,来思考练这一招要达到什么实战效果。

"It is while arts. Your mind and will are . Your hard work will pay off," Dong said.


(Dong Wing Chun. /CGTN)

In 2014, Wing Chun was in China's list. The old of Wing Chun to have , and their . At the same time, they shall and fight as best as they can.

2014年, 咏春拳正式列入第四批国家级非物质文化遗产。咏春拳祖训:后学弟子需积极传承正气,促进和谐,尊师重道。遇强敌时勇于担当。

Since times, Wing Chun has been a for .




