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发布于:2024-04-13 作者:admin 阅读:59


has a on the whole " " trend. Games by are huge . Last time I MSN there were 200,000 . has my niece and with , but free, .

对整个“休闲游戏”趋势发表了有趣的文章。 浏览器交付的游戏是一项巨大的业务。 上次我访问MSN Games网站时有20万人在玩。 迪士尼频道让我的侄女和侄子迷上了俗气但免费的Flash游戏。

Seems there would be great for games on Media . There's MCE at (KMS), and there's MCE Peaks from 10 Foot Games. *** W, KMS has a of nice for the Media .

Media 上的游戏似乎具有很大的潜力。 (KMS)提供了MCE , 10英尺比赛提供了MCE Peaks。 顺便说一句, KMS 已为Media 发布了许多不错的标题。

Why aren't there more games for the Media PC? ease of ? I poked at the code for MCE () and it's hairy stuff. To be clear, it's a very nice that was by folks who know and enjoy the game. , the code , , 22 - Media is AJAX. Sure, AJAX is cool, but let's be . It's hard. It's 1997. It's it' *** est, of wire and paper clips we use and .

为什么Media PC没有更多游戏? 也许容易发展? 我四处查看MCE 的代码(评论),这是一件很毛茸茸的东西。 明确地说,这是一个非常好的实现,显然是由了解并喜欢游戏的人编写的。 但是,所涉及的代码,控件,22个库-Media 是AJAX。 当然,AJAX很酷,但是请认真对待。 这个很难(硬。 那是1997年。更好的是 ,除了使用控件和来代替电线和回形针,这是更好的选择。

One of the of the Xbox 360 has been the Xbox Live . It, along with it's of micro- and the often- blurs the of the -less-often- the Media PC.

Xbox 360的惊奇之一就是Xbox Live 服务。 它与小额支付的巧妙实施以及经常更新的功能一起,使Media PC中的在线更新的功能很少。

My : If there isn't an like Xbox Live for the Media PC crowd, gems like MCE are going to get lost in the . I'm a that MSN Games hasn't out a deal to and 10-foot of the games at MSN. They're Flash, why isn't the Media an ? Why write MCE in MC-HTML when I could port Flash apps? I'd love to have a pile of games for the kids to play, not to the .

我的结论是:如果没有像Media PC人群那样的Xbox Live 这样的服务,那么MCE 之类的宝藏将在混乱中迷失方向。 对于MSN Games尚未达成协议来创建和分发10英尺版本的MSN可用的众多游戏,我感到有些惊讶。 它们主要是Flash,为什么Media 不是吸引人的选择? 当我可以移植现有的可扩展Flash应用程序时,为什么还要用MC-HTML编写MCE应用程序? 我很想为孩子们玩一堆迪士尼游戏,更不用说严格的教育市场了。

Casey's got it right, what will is that there will be a lull (that's where we are now) then folks will start apps for the Media using WPF/ WinFX XAML will take off. Until that day comes later this year, I will to enjoy that I sadly can't view via my Xbox 360 (I tried.) I'll get to the CTP and see how it goes.

Casey说的没错,将会发生停顿(这就是现在的状况),然后人们将开始使用WPF / WinFX和WinFX XAML浏览器应用程序为Media 编写应用程序,事情将会真正开始。 直到今年晚些时候那天,我将继续享受,可悲的是我无法通过Xbox 360进行查看(我尝试过。)我将继续安装2月CTP,然后看看它如何进行。





