PS Vita 3.69/3.70 PSA
First of all, thank you for your and , your wait will soon be over. It's been more than half a year since the of h- and it has half a !
Now it's time for my and last for the PS Vita. , this one will not use a or as entry point, but a novel one.
The chain of a PSP . This means it is bugs in the to the and run ARM code. While this is cool and very , there is a catch: your must be and with a PSN , such that you can and a PSP game from the store. The is that in case Sony a new which fixes this entry point, you'll not be able to the store and , not be able to hack your . Hence, some is , such that the (if you're a blog or forum, stick this PSA on top, so are aware of this ).
For that , I am you 6-8 weeks time to and a PSP game, then I will drop the . This also be time for you to and buy a new PS Vita.
the below to your for the hack:
If you're on 3.69, you have two :
to 3.70 (go to → ).
Or set DNS to (go to → → Wi-Fi → Your point → and set DNS to and DNS to
a PSN if you don't have one yet (note that only 3 can be using the same ).
and any PSP/minis game (PS one do not work). There are demos in most (if you know a title that is not here, let me know):
EU/UK: Ape Quest
JP: YS seven
, if you can't find a demo in your , you must buy any PSP/minis game, or a new PSN in one of the above.
that you can the PSP/minis game.
and qcma to make a of your game ( on your PS Vita and the on ).
If you have the , you can now sit back and come back in 6-8 weeks for . It is that you do not / your PSN or your in this time.
, I am for a cool name. Best would be a name that is to / . If you have cool in mind, feel free to make a .
Last but not least, I would like to ask you a : if you're me on only for PS Vita news, stop // to of mine that are not to PS Vita. The is that I am to use more "" in . There were so many times when I had with that got with "3.70 hack wen". I know this is my fault, since I didn't give you an exact ETA, but that's I have got my own real life. I said I'd the hack in 2019, such that I do not put in too much , as I am and on my 's . I never asked you to me or look at as a god or , but the of some kills my . If this doesn't stop, I might stop on the PS Vita.
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