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发布于:2024-03-03 作者:admin 阅读:115


" and earth never to frame a place for man's ."

John Smith, of the of , 1607


the span of a years, in the and early , a tide of -one of the great folk of -swept from to . , by and , built a out of a and, by its , the and of an 。

, the is the of two -the of with their ideas, , and and the of a new which these .Of , was a of . the came of , , , Scots, , , , and many who to their and to the new world.48But, , the force of to , the of the upon one , and the sheer of old-world ways in a raw, new .These were and at first . But the was a new which, it in many ways, had a that was 。

49The first of bound for the which is now the the more than a years after the - and - of North .In the , had been in , the West , and South . These to North came in *** all, craft. their six- to -week , they on . Many of the ships were lost in , many died of , and the . blew the far off their , and often calm delay。

To the the sight of the shore . Said one , "The air at ' *** elt as sweet as a new-blown ." The ' first of the new land was a vista of dense woods.50The with its and of trees was a -house which over 1,300 miles from Maine in the north to in the south.Here was fuel and . Here was the raw of and , ships and , dyes and naval 。



